The Operational Fitness Series has been developed in four distinct series, each designed specifically to tackle the needs of the following platforms: Submarine Series, Surface Ship Series, Large Deck Series and Group Training Series. Each series has been developed on 8 ½ x 11 inch cards that will be packaged together on a ring. The cards will provide Sailors with all pertinent information needed to complete the training program. This includes a series of images, exercise descriptions, sets, reps and durations. Each card series will offer various stages of progression (levels 1-3, stages A-D), both in exercises and volume/intensities. The cards will also provide each Sailor with 30-, 45-, and 60-minute options. The individual Sailor may use the resources as a guide to perform their daily personal exercise program, or this product may be used by Navy health and fitness professionals as a teaching tool or as a guide for leading a command exercise session.
The challenges addressed in each card series follows:
Submarine Series
Surface Ship Series
Large Deck Series
Group Training Series